Upcoming Events.
Find out about events happening at EveryKid and in our surrounding community.
We share info about our services and programs, celebrate awareness days, and let you know about local inclusive community events.

EveryKid School Holidays Intensives
April School Holidays commences on 14th of April. During this period, our therapists also take on an increased capacity for our Intensive Therapy program during the school holidays - offering a chance to our school-aged kiddo’s and families who might not be able to commit to intensives during the term!

EveryKid Jiu Jitsu Introduction Class
As part of our school holidays group program, instructors from the Kaizen Foundation (Clube De Lutas) are bringing a 4-day introductory Jiu Jitsu Class to EveryKid!

2025 Sydney Disability Connection Expo
The 2025 Sydney Disability Connection Expo is the biggest expo in NSW history and it's free to attend both days.

Able Climbing Try It Day
Able Climbing NSW is running their next Try It Day on Sunday, 23rd March 2025!

Frame Running Come N Try with Frame Running Australia & Dejay Medical
Dejay Medical & Frame Running Australia are hosting a frame runner Come N Try at Sydney Olympic Park on Saturday 8th March

International Wheelchair Day
International Wheelchair Day occurs annually on March 1st, a significant day on which wheelchair users across the world celebrate the positive impact using a wheelchair has had on their lives.

Freedom Solutions Run & Ride Day
Freedom Solutions is running a FREE Inclusive Community Run & Ride event this Saturday!
People with disabilities and their families are invited to come and ride a range of customisable bikes, trikes and frame runners and enjoy activities in a supported and safe environment.
This is an event for people of all ages. Bring your friends and family along and get ready to meet new people, enjoy activities and have fun!
Everything will be provided for you to participate - just bring yourself and enjoy the day!

EK Sports Weekly Program
EK Sports Program has commenced as of Tuesday, 4th of February, and occurs weekly on Tuesday afternoons. Our final session for this term will be Tuesday 8th of April!
This program is designed to help kids who want to stay active, develop their teamwork skills and make lasting friendships. EK Sports is a school term program focusing on developing fundamental sports skills, teamwork and self-esteem under the guidance of our experienced Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists.

School Holidays Programs
With our return from the Christmas closure, EveryKid springs into the new year with our January round of School Holidays Programs.
This month we are running a range of new and familiar group programs, including School Readiness, Writing Warriors, Food Explorers and Social Club.